Get on the phone with one of our Career Consultants
to Answer Your Questions and Discover
if the CISO Certification is right for you.

Dive into the 6 Modules (Covering 40hrs of Content)
advancement and continued education course today

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics' Information Security Analyst's Outlook shows cybersecurity jobs are among the fastest-growing career areas nationally. 

Predicting cybersecurity jobs will grow 31% through 2029, over seven times faster than the national average job growth of 4%. 

What does that mean for you?

It means that if you are ALREADY in the industry then you are the NEXT leader in line for those coming into the industry!

Ask Yourself:

  • Is career advancement a high priority for you?
  • ​Do you want to make a real difference in the way cybersecurity processes are managed?
  • ​Are you ready to shift from technical to managerial implementation?

The CISO role has become a very common term in the industry.

But like many roles the definition has become blurred because of the many hats and responsibilities required within the CISO role. 

Unfortunately, often what happens is the role becomes so reactive day in and day out that the actual effects of the role becomes diluted. There isn't time to focus on top strategies, balls get dropped, processes are not followed properly.

You know, you’ve seen this... maybe even experienced it yourself...

We define the CISO Role as: 

An Executive that is Responsible for the Cybersecurity Strategy within the Organization. 

Executive  = Responsible  = Strategy

If your career path is leading you toward BEING this executive in your organization or with the hopes of career advancement elsewhere keep reading…

who is dr. eric cole?
Dr. Eric Cole, founder of Secure Anchor Consulting, is a renowned security expert with over two decades of in-the-trenches experience in IT and network security. He is the author of several books and textbooks, including Advanced Persistent Threat, Hackers Beware, Hiding in Plain Sight, Network Security Bible 2nd Edition, and Insider Threat, and has presented at many major conferences.

He also served as a member of the Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th President, Barack Obama, and sits on several executive advisory boards.

Get on the phone with one of our Career Consultants to Answer Your Questions and Discover if the CISO Certification is right for you.

who is dr. eric cole?
Dr. Eric Cole, founder of Secure Anchor Consulting, is a renowned security expert with over two decades of in-the-trenches experience in IT and network security. He is the author of several books and textbooks, including Advanced Persistent Threat, Hackers Beware, Hiding in Plain Sight, Network Security Bible 2nd Edition, and Insider Threat, and has presented at many major conferences.

He also served as a member of the Commission on Cyber Security for the 44th President, Barack Obama, and sits on several executive advisory boards.

Get on the phone with one of our Career Consultants to Answer Your Questions and Discover if the CISO Certification is right for you.

Dr. Cole is a sought after speaker by many networks, publications, and officials.

6 Modules (Covering 40hrs Of Content)

The only REAL CISO certification that is developed by a CISO
and covers the strategic mindset of what is needed to be a security leader. 

Contrary to popular path, the CISO is not necessarily a technical career path for a world class security engineer. A world class security engineer needs technology depth and tactics, a CISO needs strategy and vision.

Module 1 - Introduction to CISO

During this module you will learn what EXACTLY is a CISO (Chief Information Security Officer), what is required in the role and how to develop the core components needed to BE a good CISO for your organization.

Dr. Cole covers 6 concepts in Module 1:

- What is a CISO?
- Understanding the Role of a CISO
- How to Organize the Structure
- What is the Evolving Role of a CISO
- CISO Challenges - the Coaches Corner
- Key Components of Being a Good CISO

Module 2 - Becoming a CISO

Explore the options of what becoming a CISO might mean to you. For many this path is clearly defined within the organization but that is not always the case. Do you know your real opportunities for becoming a CISO? 

Dr. Cole covers 3 key opportunities in Module 2:

- Exploring career advancement within your current role or existing job
- Discover what a vCISO is and how to launch your own Virtual CISO business
- How to know when to move forward with a new position and a new organization

Module 3 - Cybersecurity

The host of the party! Deep dive into the intricate details of what cybersecurity is and how to create the proper process and endpoints for managing the necessary formula for success.

Dr. Cole explores these topics in Module 3:

- What is cybersecurity?
- What is risk and how to calculate it?
- Deep dive into risk calculation!
- Understanding Risk Analysis 
- The Risk Assessment (CISO Visibility)
- Protecting the Critical Data
- Developing Clear Data Classification
- My experience in the CIA 

Module 4 - Understanding the Business End of Being a CISO

The CISO is an EXECUTIVE level position that focuses on strategy across the organization. NOT an advanced technical role. Security often struggles within an organization because CISO’s do not always understand the importance of NOT being a technician but instead being the strategist and manager of the team.

Concepts covered in this Module are:

- Understanding the Business
- Technology Review
- Prevention vs Detection
- Starting with a YES
- The Rule of 90%
- Key Questions Every CISO should be asking

Module 5 - Dismantling the CISO PROBLEM

This model is all about threats. The reality is every organization has a target on it’s back. No one is beyond being breached. So let’s dismantle the real fear around a CISO’s biggest problems.

Dr. Cole covers these topics in Module 5:

- Hacking 101
- Hacking a Server
- Hacking a Client
- Breaches - Prevention and Detection
- The RIGHT Questions a CISO should be asking

Module 6 - Technology and a Solutions Roadmap

We know there are threats, we know that we have to master the technology just as the adversary is, but as the CISO it is vital that we stay in our lane of being the Executive Responsible for the Strategy. 

Dr. Cole wraps up the course with these key elements:

- Technology vs Solutions
- People Process Technology
- Prevention (Firewalls and IPS)
- Detection (IPS)
- Detection (SIEM)
- Incident Response
- Documentation
- Documentation BCP/DRP
- Awareness
- Threat Hunting
- Offensive Countermeasure
- Encryption
- Key Questions

+ PLUS + 

Monthly Group Coaching Calls with Dr. Eric Cole

This is a time to go deeper on the very questions and initiatives you are working on that week.  Dr. Cole will be offering live laser coaching with individuals during this time together.

Exclusive CISO Certification Linked In Group

Connect with your peers in the CISO Certification Program.  An open place to discuss what you are learning, ask questions and get the support you need to develop a World Class CISO Skillset.

The goal here is to create a mastermind experience, where collectively we make our organizations safer and strengthen our cybersecurity mastery.

Exclusive CISO Certification Linked In Group

Connect with your peers in the CISO Certification Program.  An open place to discuss what you are learning, ask questions and get the support you need to develop a World Class CISO Skillset.

The goal here is to create a mastermind experience, where collectively we make our organizations safer and strengthen our cybersecurity mastery.

Are You Ready For Career Advancement And The Skills To Become A CISO?

Get on the phone with one of our Career Consultants to Answer Your Questions and Discover if the CISO Certification is right for you.

Opportunity is always available to those who are looking for it.  

  • ​Yes there is an investment involved (although many of our students have been able to utilize their organizations training budget for this course
  • ​Yes there is time involved and likely it will take place on ‘your’ time and not the company time (about 40hrs worth of content = 40 CPE’s)

But there is a cost to inaction.
As we mentioned above the cybersecurity industry is growing 7X faster than other industries.  Someone will have the role of CISO at your organization.

Take action now and secure your skillset to ensure that someone is you.

Get on the phone with one of our Career Consultants to Answer Your Questions and Discover if the CISO Certification is right for you.

Secure Anchor Consulting - 44651 Provincetown Dr. Ashburn, VA 20147 - 844-SEC-ANCH - Privacy Policy